Debrief for 3 June 2009

Last week the Annual General Meeting was held and amongst other things a new Committee voted in. Your new line up is:

Chairman - James (Deputy - Andy B)
Treasurer - Bookmark (Deputy - Brad)
Secretary - Mick (Deputy - Me!)

Well done the outgoing Committee (the rumours of a golden hand shake retirement deal are completely unfounded)and good luck to the new Committee. In the absence of the new Secretary you have won me for another couple of weeks.

A quiet night at the club last night with two 'civilised' games of D&D and CQB.

Next week:

D&D (Pathfinder): Andy, Brett, Bookmark, James, Robin, Chris and Trainset.

Crete 1942 (28mm): Vince, Brad, Phil, Tom and Andy B.

