Games for the first quarter 2009

I know you're all waiting with baited breath - and this seemly pointless obsessive exercise does give visitors to the blog an idea what games we play, and inform the scenery arguments.

1 WFB 5
2 Others (Risk, Wars of Religion, Samurai, Future War Commander, Wings of War) 5
3 ACW 4
4 At Close Quarters 3
5 WAB 2
6 BFG 2
7 Naval 2
8 Napoleonic 2
9 Space Hulk 2
10 Epic 1
11 LOTR 1
12 Warmaster Ancients 1
13 FPW 1
14 WHQ 1
15 7 years war 1
16 Hordes 1
17 FIW 1
19 Boxer Rebellion 1
20 Mexican American War 1
21 Pony Wars 1
22 Vietnam 1
